
92 Bowery St., New York, NY 10013

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Announcing Our 2022 Environmental Report

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CWe are proud to announce the publication of our Environmental Report 2022. The 2022 report highlights our Environmental practices and reflects our strong commitment to environmental protection, and describes our ongoing efforts to reduce our company’ environmental impact.

This report gives a full assessment of our environmental footprint in 2022-21 and prepared in accordance with the objectives,  principles and  environmental efforts  outlined in our Environmental Policy.

Our major contributors to carbon footprints are: 

1. Energy: 

The use of electricity by our metal work machinery makes significant impact on our environmental balance.

Improving the energy efficiency of our operations is one of the key challenges to achieve our  environmental targets. 

2.   Materials and waste:

The key materials we deal with are stainless steel, iron and aluminium.

 Over 99,9% of metal scrap and waste which streams from our production is collected and recycled. This significantly reduces the need to extract new minerals and ores from the ground and minimises the environmental impact of our production processes.

Goals of our Environmental Policy towards electricity consumption:

Nuova Cam is commited to saving energy:

  • We periodically monitor the energy consumption;
  • We carefully plan our production operations to minimize idle machinery time;
  • We communicate to our employees the importance of energy saving;
  • We invest in new energy efficient machinery and equipment.

Goals of our Environmental Policy towards Materials and Wastes:

Nuova CAM is commited to reducing,  recycling and re-using scrap metal:

  • We use the latest software for efficient nesting for reducing metal scrap;
  • When possible, we re-use metal scrap at further metal works;
  • We recycle 99,9 % of metal scrap;
  • We perform separate separate collection of waste.

Energy balance 2022:

Waste balance 2022:

Our energy (electrucity and gas) consumption  2022 :   

– 15%  

compared to 2021.

The quantity of metal scrap: 


where 99,99 % of scrap is recyclable.

Goals for 2023: 

– 4,5% 

decrease of energy consumprion thanks to investing to new energy efficient machinery.

Goals for 2023:

continue to recycle !!!